Junk Car Boys Cincinnati – Cash For Cars

About Us

The Junk Car Boys is a major car buying association that has grown itself to be nationwide automtive buying operation. It all started in 2008 when the older of two brothers was working at a large auto dealership and learning the trade. He learned how every part of the automotive industry worked. Auctions, Maintenance, service, sales, parts, auto body, etc. Then it all really came together after he learned of the salvage industry. Nobody ever really thinks about what happens to the cars that are hard to sell on account of problems, damage, etc. What do people do when they cant afford to fix something, or when its not worth fixing? He began getting involved and learning about the scrap metal market. Immediately upon experiencing success, the metal markets tanked. It was a bad time to get into the industry. 

Fast forward and the younger brother jumped on board. The two teamed up. They slept in bunk beds together for their entire life, so it only made sense to bunk bed in business together. The secret that set them apart from all the other companies was that they got to know everyone in the industry. They treated their competitors like friends. This lead to many agreements and partnerships being made as time went on. 

That is the reason that the company was able to grow at such a fast pace. Instead of franchising, the two brothers were teaming up with their competitors to better serve the customer. They worked together in order to get the job done as efficiently as possible. This has grown into a tremendous association of auto buyers. Its not just the Junk Car Boys anymore. Its 100’s and 100’s of car buyers working together to best deal with the vehicles. There is so much that can be done to these vehicles that it is much too complicated for one company to do it all. There is recycling the metal, dismantling, selling parts, restoring, rebuilding, exporting, transporting, wholesaling, customer service, sales, marketing, etc etc. This is such a big job that there are so many moving parts. This is now a very large and very efficient machine. Year after year we are constantly making it more productive, and efficient. We work with many other buyers all over the nation and we love our relationships that we hold with them. 

The Junk Car Boys are able to buy unwanted vehicles from all over the country, and get it removed and paid for most of the time within 72 hours. If we personally can’t buy the car or can’t pay enough for it, then most of the time we know someone who can. Then we will send you to them.

Our main focus is always to be extremely helpful. People call us only because they have a problem. So our job is to get that problem solved. As long as we focus on solving the problem, the money will come. However we don’t need to focus on the money. We just need to focus on each and every customer. The rest will somehow take care of itself. That is what has brought us this far today.

The two brothers father saw what the boys were doing and was impressed. He helped every moment that he could. He finally got old enough to be able to retire, and that only lasted a few months. He came knocking on the boys door and said “retirement is boring… so put me to work!”

It is now a family business and we treat our employees like family. As long as we treat our employees like family and our customers like gold… then we hope we continue having a job doing this. We love this industry and we thank you for giving us the opportunity to purchase your vehicle. Even if we don’t buy it, it was awesome that you checked us out. We appreciate you <3